Together we will transform your business develops new applications for Healthcare and Well-being in areas where AI technologies are ready to make an impact such as IVF, radiology, pathology, and hospital operation. Our next mission is to develop image processing and Digital Twins solutions for several industries, including building and constructing, mining, transports, logistics, oil and gas and renewal energy.


With deep understanding of AI innovation and trends in Industry 4.0 Revolution, we have provided state-of-the-art digital transformation consulting services to help clients transform their businesses successfully into the future. Stemming from our work, we have also identified increasing requirements for transformative data analytics in order to deliver better data-driven services and decision making for operational efficiency and increased productivity that combined with higher degree of automation.

Network is eager to work collaboratively with world-class academic researchers and global industry partners to maximise opportunities in this field. has already built an extensive global network with strategic partners in Vietnam, Singapore, Canada, US, Japan and Germany. Our strategic focus aligns well with Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre’s sector competitiveness priorities, in particular robotics and automated processes; digital design and rapid prototyping; sensors and data analysis; translating ideas into products and services; and visualisation and virtual reality.